Blog Archives

10 Nov, 2017

How To Filter The External List Display While Filling Out a Form

It is possible, while filling out a form, to select which element(s) you want to display in your external lists. This option works whether it is a hierarchical, referential, referential-hierarchical or a code list.

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08 Nov, 2017

The 'Visibility' condition options.

The visibility option can facilitate your work by avoiding needless entry. This allows you to adapt your form based on the situation encountered and therefore lighten it up. You will save time and the user experience will only be better! Let us imagine that…

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12 Sep, 2017

Let's Get To Know Vincent, Our IT Expert!

In this section, find out who the people working at Kizeo are!

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09 Aug, 2017

Transfer of data between users of the same account (mobile to mobile)

Kizeo Forms users can transfer forms to other users of their account. Step1: Activate the transfer option. Go to the Form options of your form. In the Mobile tab, check the Allow data transfer between users. The activation of this option will display a new Transfer button in the mobile application as well as on the web entry.

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09 Aug, 2017

How to create or add a new user

How to add users to your account

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09 Aug, 2017

Understanding and using the Filtered list

Filter your external lists according to your users with a filtered list. A filtered list shows certain elements of an external list according to the information that is in the user files. This is a " filter" for your lists. Example. You are the manager in a biscuit and confectionery franchise. You have created a list showing the full range of your biscuits, however your franchisees do not have access to all of your products. This [...]

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09 Aug, 2017

Understanding the Users page

In your Users page you can create and manage your User, Group leaders and Administrators.

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26 Jun, 2017

The External List Page Now Has A New Look!

The External Lists page in your Back Office is getting better! Indeed, we added new features to simplify the use of external lists and plus it looks way better!

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26 Jun, 2017

How To Use The External List Page

From the external list page, you can create, modify, and delete your external lists, as well as manage their rights.

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22 May, 2017

How to calculate the number of lines in your table ?

This Kiz'Tip comes along with the new «Near Miss Report» form available in the library so that you can see a specific example. Feel free to download this form! Have you ever wondered how many lines you have in your table after you collected your data? How to make this figure appear in your customized report? Well, it is possible to set your Kizeo Form once so that you won't have to worry about it anymore. How to calculate the number of [...]

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