26 Jun, 2017

How To Use The External List Page

From the external list page, you can create, modify, and delete your external lists, as well as manage their rights.

Getting Started

  1. Log In to Your Account
    • Visit https://forms.kizeo.com/ and log in to your account.
    • Click the External lists tab on the left side of the screen, then select My external list.

external list page

1. General Use

Display Settings

  • Adjust Display: Choose the number of elements to display per page by selecting the number from the top left corner. This setting will be saved for future logins.

number of entries

Sorting and Filtering Lists

  • My Lists: Displays lists you can access and edit.
  • Other Lists Available: Displays lists you can use but not edit.
  • Library: Displays lists shared by group managers and administrators in the company account's external list library.

external list choice

  • Sort by clicking on headings or owner names.

sort by heading

Search for Lists

  • Use the search bar in the top right corner to find lists by name, owner, or heading.

external list search

Deleting unused lists.

  • Click Delete unused lists to remove lists not linked to any form.

delete list

Advanced Options For External Lists

Click on the blue arrow to display advanced features of your external list.

advanced options

  • Owner: Define the owner of the list to allow group managers to use and modify it

change owner

  • History: View the history of changes made to the list (note: changes themselves are not visible).


Click on « Share » to add your external list to your Library of external lists.

share list

  • Share: Add the list to the external list library for group managers to use or copy.
    • Using a shared list allows only the owner to modify it.
    • Copying a shared list allows modifications, but changes by the owner won’t affect the copy.

copy list

  • Delete: Remove the list from your account.

These options are also available on the main editing screen.


2. Managing Headings

  • Log In to Your Account
    • Visit www.kizeoforms.com and log in to your account.
    • Click the External lists tab, then My external list.
    • Click the Heading button on the top right corner.

headings list

  • Edit Headings
    • Click the pen icon to rename headings.


  • Click the number of lists to display lists under a specific heading.

filter list headings

  • Use the search bar to find a specific heading

3. Creating new lists

  1. Manual Entry

    • Go to the External lists tab and click Create an external list.

    • Name your list and enter the elements manually.

  2. Follow the tutorial on creating a list from an Excel file for detailed steps.

4. Modifying an existing list

  1. Manual Modification

    • Click the pen icon next to the list to modify it manually.

modify list


modify list

  1. Import Excel File

    • Go to the Excel tab to update your list.

excel list

  • Download an empty template or use your existing list.
  • Choose between:
    • Overwrite everything: Replaces the entire list with new content.
    • Change and Add: Keeps existing elements, updates changed ones, and adds new items.

overwrite excel list

Tip: Add a code to labels (and level_labels) for easier modification.

Go a little bit further…


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