Blog Archives

01 Jul, 2024

How to save your form as drafts on the web platform

Step 1: Fill Out a Form Begin by logging into your Kizeo Forms account on the web platform. Start filling out the form by entering the necessary information. You can add text, upload files, and use any of the available form fields to input your data.

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22 Apr, 2024

The 5 possible actions in Make

Discover the 5 actions that Kizeo Forms module allow you to perform in Make

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22 Apr, 2024

The Kizeo Forms trigger in Make

In this tutorial, we explore all the features available in the Kizeo Forms Trigger on Make. You will know which parameters to enter to perform operations in Kizeo Forms with Make.

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22 Apr, 2024

Connecting Make to Kizeo Forms

How to obtain a Kizeo Forms token and use it to connect to Make

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22 Apr, 2024

Discover the Make and Kizeo Forms integration

Discover the many benefits of Make and Kizeo Forms integration

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13 Nov, 2023

Unlocking the Power of Kizeo Forms with Webhooks

In Kizeo Forms, Webhooks facilitate immediate integration with various systems and services using APIs.

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13 Nov, 2023

Integration Between Zapier and Kizeo Forms: A Comprehensive Guide

Important notice Please be aware that our guidance is principally centered around the utilisation of Kizeo Forms modules within Zapier. The tutorials are not crafted to delve deeply into the overall functionality of Zapier but aim to assist in forging automated workflows that incorporate Kizeo Forms.

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25 Sep, 2023

Electronic Signature with DocuSign

Looking to safeguard your data using electronic signatures? Look no further – achieve it with our DocuSign Integration.

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21 Sep, 2023

Customising Field Copying on the Mobile App

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of choosing whether to copy field values when duplicating a form in the mobile app. Additionally, we'll show you how administrators can establish rules to enforce manual data entry for specific fields during the copy process.

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16 May, 2023

Deferring updates between the web platform and the mobile application

You can now decide when you would like to synchronise the mobile application with the web platform.

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