Blog Archives

15 Jun, 2022

Delete the data sent from the mobile application

Are you entering sensitive data and don't want it to be stored on mobile phones? Do you want to reduce the load time on the Kizeo Forms application? Deleting the data sent from the mobile application is the solution that can meet both these needs!

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25 Jun, 2019

Do you know how to retrieve the data from a form with our API?

If you want to retrieve data entered in your forms and automatically integrate them on your CRM, ERP or any other business software, it is essential to go through our API.

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02 May, 2019

How to get started with our API

Prerequisites Minimum knowledge of how Kizeo Forms works, Development skills. To do this, you must first obtain a Token. It allows you to identify yourself to our Web Service. In this tutorial, we will see how to create it. To obtain it, you must make a request by e-mail to our support service ( The request must come from an administrator on behalf of an administrator or a group leader (the e-mail address of the [...]

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