Did you know that you can store and classify your reports generated with Kizeo Forms directly in your Dropbox account? It means that when you are done collecting data on your mobile device, you can choose to have your custom reports stored and organized automatically and instantly on your Dropbox account. You can even create files and sub-files just by configuring previously your form on your platform.
Linking Kizeo Forms to your Dropbox account takes a bit of configuration. Let's go through all the different steps together!
First, it is important to link your Kizeo Forms account with your Dropbox.
You just need to define which document(s) will be stored and where. Meaning that you can choose in which folder the files will be saved and how they will be named. It is possible to create sub-categories in your folders. To do so, you need to insert the following symbol: /
There are two options to set the organization of your Dropbox from Kizeo Forms:
Let's take the example of the Delivery voucher form. We want that whenever a driver complete the digital delivery form on his mobile device, the reports generated to be saved and stored on our Dropbox account under the folder named 'Delivery voucher' and the subcategory '2018'.
Let's take the same example of the Delivery voucher form. Except that this time, instead of putting text, we will customize the name of the folder and sub-folder by putting the tag of one or several element(s) of this form. For instance, we want to create the first folder with the name 'Delivery voucher' and the sub-folder to be named with the name of the company (client). Let's go through the different steps: