Kizeo Forms - Tutorials

Deep Linking

Written by Stephanie Plascencia | Nov 29, 2022 3:32:13 PM

Deep Linking is a clear and simple way to direct users to specific content in the Kizeo Forms mobile application. To do this, you simply provide them with a hyperlink containing the required formalism.

We explain it all in this tutorial! 

What exactly is a Deep Link ?

A Deep Link is a URL, i.e. a Web address, but its formalism is a little different from the classic URL. Indeed, a classic URL starts with https:// whereas the Deep Link starts with kizeoforms://. This specificity means that some software do not interpret this link as a URL, so it is not clickable. 

To make it functional, you just need to create a hypertext link and pass it on to your users. Thus, by clicking on the link, Android and iOS redirect the URL to the KizeoForms application.

Important: Deep Links follow the same rules as browser URLs, i.e. certain characters are not allowed. It is therefore necessary to replace them by their encoding-percent. Moreover, their maximum length is 2048 characters.

The formalism of Deep Link

Use Cases

1 - The Deep Link generics

With the basic links, this is what you can do:

  • kizeoforms://--/ opens the Kizeo Forms account
  • kizeoforms://--/login allows access to the authentication page
  • kizeoforms://--/forms allows the access to a list of forms
  • kizeoforms://--/favorites allows access to a list of favorite forms
  • kizeoforms://--/settings allows the access to the application's settings 
  • kizeoforms://--/forms/formId allows you to enter the data on the form that corresponds to the formId
  • kizeoforms://--/data allows access to the list of entered data
  • kizeoforms://--/receipts allows access to the inbox

Important: The first two links do not require you to be connected to the application, whereas the following ones do.

Keep in mind: If the user is not yet logged in when he/she clicks on the link, he/she will only have access to the authentication page, whereas if he/she is already logged in, he/she will be automatically redirected to the home page.

2 - Customised Deep Links

Consider the following fields with their respective tags

Le formalisme d'un Deep Link est le suivant : kizeoforms://--/forms/formId?tag1=valeur1&tag2=valeur2&tag3=valeur3

  • formId must be replaced by the form ID. This is the 6-digit reference found in the URL of the form creation page
  • tag1, tag2, tag3 etc... correspond to the name of the field tag
  • value1, value2, value3 etc... are the values that will be entered

Let's look at some concrete cases, using the following fields with their respective identifiers.


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