How to fill out a form from your computer (Web entry)
Web entry: Fill out your form from the Platform.
- Select the "Fill out form" tab from the 'Data' menu.
- Select the form you want to fill out (in this example we chose risk assessment form'), and click the 'OK' button.
- You can also use the search bar tool to get the form you're looking for:
- Now you can fill in your form.
- You can now either transfer it to another user's device (Only if you have enabled the transfer option) or save it !
From the 'History' tab.
- Select the 'History' tab from the 'Data' menu.
- Select the form you want to fill out, and click the 'Fill out form' button.
- Now you can fill out the form.
- You can now either transfer it to another user's device (only if you have enabled the transfer option) or save it !