Learn how to automatically retrive the date and time of your fields and your entries on your customized reports or emails!
Using the Date and Time field you can automatically obtain the date and/or time you have previously entered.
You can customize it with the following tags:
Take as an example the date December 31, 2010.
-> 31/12/2010##date:iso##
-> 2010-12-31##date:year##
-> 2010##date:month##
-> 12##date:month:label##
-> december##date:week##
-> 52##date:daynumber##
-> 31##date:weekday##
-> 5##date:weekday:label##
-> friday##date:short##
-> 31 Dec. 2010.##date:medium##
-> December 31, 2010.##date:long##
-> Friday 31 December 2010.Let's take for example the time 11:40.
-> 11:40##hour:hour##
-> 11##hour:minute##
-> 40Take for example December 31, 2010, 11:40.
-> 31/12/2010 11:40##date_and_time:year##
-> 2010##date_and_time:month##
-> 12##date_and_time:month:label##
-> december##date_and_time:week##
-> 52##date_and_time:daynumber##
-> 31##date_and_time:weekday##
-> 5##date_and_time:weekday:label##
-> friday##date_and_time:dateonly##
-> 31/12/2010##date_and_time:dateonly:iso##
-> 2010-12-31##date_and_time:timeonly##
-> 11:40##date_and_time:hour##
-> 11##date_and_time:minute##
-> 40##date_and_time:short##
-> Dec 31, 2010 11:40.##date_and_time:medium##
-> December 31, 2010 11:40.##date_and_time:long##
-> Friday 31 December 2010 11:40.Take as an example the date December 31, 2010, 11:40 and 25 seconds.
-> 31/12/2010 11:40:25##photo1:dateonly##
-> 31/12/2010##photo1:time:iso##
-> 2010-12-31 11:40:25##photo1:year##
-> 2010##photo1:month##
-> 12##photo1:month:label##
-> december##photo1:daynumber##
-> 31##photo1:weekday##
-> 5##photo1:weekday:label##
-> fridayLet's take for example hour 11:40 and 25 seconds.
-> 11:40:25##photo1:hour##
-> 11##photo1:minute##
-> 40##photo1:second##
-> 25You can get this information with the tag##_answer_time##
Note: We will take into account the date and time set on the mobile device.
In order to go further, here is a list of tags to customize your date and time.
Let us take for example December 31, 2010, 11:40 and 25 seconds. Date of recording the data in the iso format:##_answer_time:iso##
-> 2010-12-31 11:40:25
-> 31/12/2010##_answer_time:dateonly:iso##
-> 11:40:25##_answer_time:year##
-> 2010##_answer_time:month##
-> 12##_answer_time:month:label##
-> december##_answer_time:daynumber##
-> 31##_answer_time:weekday##
-> 5##_answer_time:weekday:label##
-> Friday##_answer_time:hour##
-> 11##_answer_time:minute##
-> 40##_answer_time:second##
-> 25You can get this information with the tag ##_update_time##
Note: We will take into account the date and time of arrival on our servers.
In order to go further, here is a list of tags to customize your dates and times.
Take for example December 31, 2010, 11:40 and 25 seconds.
-> 2010-12-31 11:40:25##_update_time:dateonly##
-> 31/12/2010##_update_time:dateonly:iso##
-> 2010-12-31##_update_time:year##
-> 2010##_update_time:month##
-> 12##_update_time:month:label##
-> december##_update_time:daynumber##
-> 31##_update_time:weekday##
-> 5##_update_time:weekday:label##
-> Friday##_update_time:hour##
-> 11##_update_time:minute##
-> 40##_update_time:second##
-> 25A tag allows you to obtain the date and time of generation of your custom Word and/or Excel export.
You can get this information with the ##_generation_time## tag.
Here is a list of tags to customize your dates and times, with for example the 25th of January 2022 at 9:29 and 46 seconds.